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Book Clubs

Afternoon Tea

Join us for another excellent and well-vetted book selection year. We have Fiction, Non Fiction, Memoir, and History. And lively discussions! The Afternoon Tea Book Club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm. We discuss and share thoughts on books suggested by our members.


Bibliophiles meet on the second Thursday of each month, from 1:00-3:00 pm.

Since Covid began, we have met once a month via Zoom and we still meet by Zoom. So, we don't ask for proof of vaccination and we don't meet in person.


We are a very friendly group of readers who discuss fiction and non-fiction books, which are selected at our June meeting for the upcoming year. We meet at 2:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month from September through June. We especially love to welcome newcomers!!!!


     1. Location - Weather Permitting we meet outdoors. Indoor meetings are being held in members’ homes.

     2. Masking policy - We do not require masks, but we tell our members to feel free to wear a mask.

     3. Social distancing - Outdoors we generally seat ourselves consistent with social distancing. However, inside members’ homes, it is not practical.

     4. Proof of vaccination status policy, (Honor system, yes or no) - We have not addressed vaccination status. If we were to require, we'd likely rely on the honor system.

     5. Carpooling policy - Not applicable to the group though individual members may choose to travel to meetings together.

Historical Fiction

The Historical Fiction book club features books that are based on real characters and events covering a broad array of time periods and geographic locations. Their stories are embellished by the creativity of talented fiction writers. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm. New members are always welcome!

Three Pines

We are a group that is reading (or rereading) Louise Penny’s best selling series, featuring Chief Inspector Gamache. 

We meet on the third Thursday each month at 1:00.

Wednesday Morning

The Wednesday Morning Book Group meets the second Wednesday of each month, at 10:30 am.  We read varied genres, mostly fiction, with books selected by our members. Our group includes a wonderful mix of individuals of different ages and backgrounds, who bring a diversity of perspective and analysis to all the books we discuss.  We learn from each other, while thoroughly enjoying our time together, and we enthusiastically welcome newcomers.

COVID POLICY: We are meeting indoors at members’ homes. Everyone will show their vax card once to me or someone substituting for me. We are not formally social distancing and we are not requiring masks. We do not have a carpooling policy.


New Annapolitans ・ P.O. Box 5251, Annapolis, MD 21403-0700
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